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3 Must-Do Steps for Newly Diagnosed Autism - Maryland

It has probably been some time now since you've suspected something has been up with your little one. You've been to the doctor and are soon to receive a developmental diagnosis, questioning what's next in the sea of information that is tsunaming your way. Well, get yourself a 3-ring binder, or some sort of notebook to centrally write everything down, and step up with these first three easy To Do's.

1. Autism Waiver Registration, 866-417-3480.

Waiver stands for a waiving of income, so no matter how much or little you make, your child is entitled to services. However, the Waiver has a long waiting list, but register as you never know how funding may change and it is simple to do. For more information, search “Maryland Autism Waiver,” or call 410-767-1446.

2. Birth to 5 Services

Reach out to your local Infants and Toddlers (up to 24 or 34 months) or Child Find Services. Besides assessments and possible therapy, they can help you get up to speed on autism strategies and supports. Ask questions, ask a lot of questions as to how the below might apply specifically to your child. Individualized Education Program (IEP)

  • Speech therapy

  • Occupational therapy

  • Behavioral therapy

  • Physical therapy

  • Developmental therapy

  • Social skills groups

  • Psychiatric services and medication management

  • Family therapy

  • Respite services

  • Local parent support groups

3. LISS Funding

This is a lottery grant program that provides families with funding of up to $2,000/year. It is easy to apply. Simply go to: and complete the form. Lottery selection takes place two times per year roughly July 15th and November 30th. If you are selected for funding, you will need to provide diagnosis documentation, proof of residency, and an invoice of what you would like paid for your child. For more information check out: ... and GOOD LUCK!!


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